
Company packing job 2024 - Room and food facility available

Company packing job 2024 - Room and food facility available



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Name of the Post:

Packer (male/female)



Job location:




Who can Apply:

All India Applicant

Male Female



Job Category:

Packing job


Qualification Required:

•Packing Staff: 5th 8th 10th class qualification.

•Supervisor: Minimum 12th Pass.






JOB TIME : 9:00 AM TO 6:00 PM




LOCATION : Multiple Location









Responsibilities and Duties:



Responsible for day to day activity like Order Processing, packaging, dispatching and accepting Returns Orders from delivery company.



Make sure shipping materials/warehouse supplies are stocked and available when needed

Pick and pack daily sales orders on time and with accuracy.

Pack orders in a time effective manner with attention to detail

Can manage inventory control.

General warehouse duties and also performs job-related duties as assigned from management team.



Packer- ₹13,500 - ₹18,000 a month

Supervisor- ₹15,500 - ₹26,000 a month



Job/Soft skill training

Health & Insurance

Free Room

Free meal

bus facility

Time Off

Pension Benefits



Selection Process:

The selection process is based on

Telephonic rounds


Medical test

Police verification

Document verification


Application Fees:

•Free for all candidates


How to apply for the Company Packing job 2024:

•Copy the HR email give below

•Check the packing job 2024 Notification.

•In that notification only, all the details like academic qualification, age limit, other details are present

•After knowing all these details, now send you resume/CV to the email given below

•Enter all your details in it correctly

•Then click the “Send button” option



Note: this job is 100% free, please be aware of fraudulent calls or emails and do not pay any money to anyone to get this job.


All the best!!

Disclaimer-Users are hereby alerted to avoid applying for the posts which had finished their LAST DATE. Jobvalley Employees will not call any candidates towards Job Offer or Job assistance. JOBVALLEY is not a Consultant and will never charge any candidates for Jobs. Please be aware of fraudulent calls or emails.



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